Nestled amid the small village of Portovenere, where the turquoise waters of the Ligurian Sea caress the craggy coastline of Cinque Terre, sits an architectural gem steeped in history and splendour. Welcome to Grand Hotel Portovenere, a haven of tranquillity and a Dimora Storica – a historical property that once hosted the famed St. Francis Convent – between Liguria and Tuscany.
As the only 5-star establishment in La Spezia and the Cinque Terre area, Grand Hotel Portovenere is the embodiment of elegance and sophistication. Its presence not only exudes majesty, but it also serves as a portal to a real Italian experience, one in which history, culture and natural splendour await discovery.
Emerge from the bustling streets into the hotel’s ancient corridors, where time appears to stand still and the echoes of centuries past resound down every corridor. Originally built in the 1600s, the building has a rich
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