The magical beauty of the Upper Lakes of the Plitvice Lakes National Park

The Plitvice Lakes National Park hides many secrets and beauties waiting to be discovered. One of these hidden beauties is the Upper Lakes. This magical area with as many as 12 lakes is a true wonder of nature that captivates with its uniqueness and beauty. Unlike the Lower Lakes, which have a limestone base and are located in a canyon, the Upper Lakes stretch over a shallower dolomite base, creating picturesque and breathtaking scenes.

Each of the Upper Lakes carries its own story and charm. As you navigate along the trails, you will encounter diverse landscapes – from tranquil waters covered with floating plants to steep waterfalls bravely plunging from a height. With each step, you discover a new corner of untouched nature, enriched by the sounds of birds and the scents of the forest. One of the peculiarities of the Upper Lakes is their colours. Thanks to

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