It’s the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and as holidays bear down upon us, I find myself repeating the same refrain again and again: You do not need to make pumpkin pie from scratch. You do not need to make anything from scratch. You do not need to recreate a family recipe passed down for generations. Your dead relatives won’t notice. They’re dead.
You can phone it all in while you quietly drink a cocktail. The “cocktail” can just be vodka served in a plastic mug shaped like a turkey.
I want people to know this. We all need to be reminded that the time that we spend in our kitchens should be a choice.
It should be. It isn’t always.
Among heterosexual couples, women are much more likely than their male partners to do the majority of the cooking and meal prep (a fact that holds true whether or not a
Keep reading this article on Everywhereist.