Confession — I’m one of those uncool travel bloggers who loves souvenirs. And I especially love souvenirs from Paris, where you can easily find antiques, skincare, French food products, and macarons every color of the rainbow.
The truth is, it’s not easy to find authentic souvenirs in Paris. If you’re not careful, you may end up with a béret (which no one in France under the age of 80 wears) or an Eiffel Tower shot glass (shudder).
So after years of wanting to write this, here it is! My Paris souvenir guide with 25 of my best Paris souvenir ideas. I hope you enjoy. Grab a coffee because this is a long one.
Table of Contents
MOMENTOS A stamped book from Shakespeare and Company
One fun Paris souvenir is to stop by Shakespeare and Company, Paris’ most famous English-language bookstore. If you
Keep reading this article onĀ Ashley Abroad.