Travel and Blogging Recap: December 2019 – February 2020

Hey everyone. In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, it almost feels silly to update you with what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to keep this light. I hope you are staying safe, healthy, and sane in these difficult times.

Sorry I haven’t written a recap since, oh, December. Grad school has been intense — I’m taking 15 credits right now, so it’s been tough to focus on anything but school. The good news? I’m done in June!

This winter, I’ve mostly stayed put in Ann Arbor. That being said, I did take two trips out west — Park City, Utah, to ski, and Calfornia to see friends.

The amazing City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco, where I finally picked up Little WomenWhere I’ve been: Park City, Utah (7 days)Traverse City, Michigan (3 days)San Francisco, CA (6 days)LA (3 days)Ann Arbor, Michigan (the rest of the time)Highs:


Keep reading this article on Ashley Abroad.

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