Goodreads Reviews I Left for Myself While Writing My Book


Idea Has Potential.

I don’t hate the idea of this book. It feels like the author (full disclosure: it me) doesn’t really have a clear idea of it, and instead of writing the book they keep getting distracted and reading about dysfunctional relationships on reddit. I keep calling it a “book proposal” even though it mostly consists of a bunch of post-its and random sentences scribbled on the back of Rite-Aid receipts, but it’s not … bad? It feels way better than the author’s other previous DNF post-it-note book ideas.


A Vast Improvement!

I started writing on my computer?! (This makes the “proposal” as I insist on calling it, much easier to read). I had previously said that I “didn’t want to do that” because it was “too intimidating” which is a certifiably bonkers thing for a writer to say. You shouldn’t be afraid of the thing

Keep reading this article on Everywhereist.

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