Reaching Umbrüggler Alm is an adventure in itself, a journey that blends the charm of modern engineering with the timeless beauty of the Tyrolean mountains. Our escapade began with a walk to Altstadt station of the Nordkettenbahnen. From there, a swift ride on the funicular whisked us partway up the mountain with the opportunity to admire majestic views over the city.
Our final leg was a 40-minute uphill hike along a woodland forest path from Hungerburg, occasionally interrupted by careful navigation of icy patches as we got higher.
As the trail opened up, Umbrüggler Alm emerged, proudly bearing its name and elevation — 1,123 metres — on the building façade.
This architectural gem promises a traditional mountain hut experience with a difference. To be honest, the view alone is enough but here classic Tyrolean dishes are prepared with
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