Hey guys! Welcome back to American Expats, a series that shows you what it’s like to live as an expat in cities around the world.
Our latest interview is with Natalye, a California native who lives as an expat in Berlin with her German husband and son. Here, Natalye describes public nudity, her obsession with German baked goods, and tips on how to score an amazing apartment in Berlin.
Natalye’s background:
I’m originally from Santa Rosa, California, and I’ve been living in Berlin since July 2011. Shortly after moving here, I met my husband who is an Ur-Berliner (a native Berliner), and four years ago we had our son. I work as a freelance copy editor and copywriter.
On the weather: We like to joke that in Berlin summer is three months long and the rest of the year is grey. Spring and fall are rather glorious, but the summers are hot
Keep reading this article on Ashley Abroad.